8 thoughts on “Evangelicals should speak truth to Trump

  1. Matthew

    From the Christians that I have talked to, I don’t know any that view Trump as a savior. Both Trump and Clinton are not Christians and expecting them to act like Christians instead of the immoral heathens they are is not logical. However, when you compare their policy, it is easy to see why evangelicals would vote for Trump. I have yet to see an argument from the Bible pertaining to abstaining from voting or voting for heathens. I think the article may be a good reminder to those who have lost sight of who the real Lord is but the author goes too far in claiming that “Enthusiasm for a candidate like Trump gives our neighbors ample reason to doubt that we believe Jesus is Lord” or declaring that Trump “violates ALL that is sacred to us” (emphasis mine). He makes these claims as if they were self evident. I disagree and with out any evidence there is no reason to regard them as truth.

    PS I am going through your textual criticism credo course and am greatly enjoying it. Thanks!

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  2. Lee Stroud

    Thank you for sharing the article! ! I am thinking that I will subscribe to Christianity Today as soon as I get paid. Wow!


  3. Why does the author (Crouch) only reference sexuality/marriage/religious freedom issues as being at stake concerning the Supreme Court? Also at stake is the further endangerment of unborn children. See any of the recent battles in the courts over abortion clinics. It’s hard to imagine any group of people as more oppressed then unborn children (Ps. 82:3). How is it seeking justice on their part to ignore the civic opportunity we have in a democracy (representative republic to be exact) to vote against a candidate (Clinton) that has made her disdain for the rights of unborn child very clear and would certainly appoint SC justices that would share/promote her views? I would submit that an “against” vote is not the same, from a Christian standpoint, as a “for” vote. I understand that Trump may be a bit of a wild card on some of these issues, but I don’t think any serious debate exists that puts Trump in a more liberal light than Clinton on the abortion issue. Also, a second point. The character issue (if that’s what Mr. Crouch is essentially addressing) is a pretty slippery slope if we want to start putting every elected official under that microscope throughout American history…

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  4. Since when is what someone says in a private conversation considered “blatant” immorality?
    What is blatant about it? Besides, people are more complex that the content of a few words. A lot of men push the envelope with other men through language as a show of something….power, dominance, manliness….who knows? I think this is why male-dominated institutions like the military have a truly blatant history of foul language. Has Mr. Trump ever raped any woman? Or, is he just brash? I think we know he is brash. I think that is why many like him. They see demonstrated he is not PC. He is not one of the ruling elite. And he does what he wants to do. He is out in the open, except for the private conversation that would cause me to criticize the tattletaler more than the one who thought he was in confidence. Do I judge his spiritual status and heart? No, not I. I will leave that to God. Not my job. Do I believe he will make a great president? Yes, I do.


  5. Earl Morton

    The article implies that the recent new “revelations” of Trump’s potty mouth and immorality have changed how Christians should regard him. But the fact is that nothing has changed. We have not learned anything about him that we didn’t know before. All we have is a new example to add to many, many others. Why should this one be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and that “gives our neighbors ample reason to doubt that we believe Jesus is Lord”?

    I completely agree that idolatry of any sort is something that every follower of God must never accept. But this author says that “there is a point at which strategy becomes its own form of idolatry,” but then he defines this “idolatry” as “an attempt to manipulate the levers of history in favor of the causes we support.” Really? Isn’t that what Esther did when she boldly approached her pagan husband, King Xerxes, to solicit mercy for the people of God?

    For those who don’t remember the story, while the Jews were in exile in Persia, the beautiful young Esther was taken into the king’s harem, and eventually selected by him to be his queen. Meanwhile her uncle Mordecai had publicly refused to bow down to the second highest official of the land, Haman, who therefore talked the king into destroying all the Jews, not realizing that Esther was one of them. Esther hesitated to speak to the king as Mordecai had requested, but he told her, “Don’t imagine that because you are part of the king’s household you will be the one Jew who will escape. If you keep quiet at this time, liberation and protection for the Jews will appear from another source, while you and your father’s household perish. It may very well be that you have achieved royal status for such a time as this!” (Esther 4:14, NET).

    So she did go to the king–knowing that it might cost her life to approach him uninvited–but not before requesting that all the Jews in the city fast (and presumably pray) on her behalf for three days. In other words, she trusted God to resolve the situation, and then did whatever she could to be His instrument in saving His people.

    That is how we Christians should handle this election. By all means, remain faithful in worship to God, pray for our rulers and potential rulers, and for all believers in positions of authority. And then take whatever practical actions seem appropriate (like voting) in case God chooses to perform His will through us. There is nothing unchristian in such behavior. We are not participating in idolatry by voting to put into office an immoral man who promises to protect our freedom of worship. How do we know whether God intends to use Trump to serve His purposes? How do we know whether God intends to use Clinton? We don’t. All we know is that God is ultimately in control, and that He allows us to take whatever practical actions seem best to us, while leaving the ultimate outcome to Him.


  6. Gary

    I can understand Christians feeling they are in a dilemma between Trump and Clinton due to Clinton’s support of abortion, but I am disappointed in Christians who supported the fear-mongering, abusive, race-baiting Trump in the Republican primaries when there were many other pro-life candidates to choose from.


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