Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers—on sale in Accordance!

I was  in Boston at the Society of Biblical Literature conference last week. Great conference, exceptional book displays, good friends. I visited the Accordance booth on Saturday. They had a terrific, centrally-located presence in the book expansive book display area this year.

Recently, Accordance added the Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers to their lineup. This is a book that is best utilized as a software tool. I’m excited about Accordance’s addition and asked if I could do a short video on it at the Accordance booth. Please see the short video: I explain what a Reader’s Lexicon is, what this one does, who worked on it, and how we put it together. And the video also features Rick Mansfield showing you how to get the Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers to work efficiently on your computer.

I should add a point not mentioned in the video: if you click on one of the three numbers next to the Greek vocabulary word Accordance will give you an instant index with full texts of every instance of that word in the book/author/Apostolic Fathers.

You can get this module and any other Accordance products here. For the Greek geeks in your life, this will make an excellent Christmas present.

Finally, and most importantly, Accordance is offering a 20% discount through December 10 if you order the Reader’s Lexicon module through this blog site. Just mention the code AFRdw.

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